If You Don't Take The Time, It Will Be Taken From You
/The one thing I hear a lot from clients is that they don't have time to do the things they know they need to do to reach their goals, because they don't have time. When we delve into how people are spending time, we can usually find more time for their priorities. Her are some simple strategies I use to make time and get into action.
Record a Daily Time Journal - take one day to journal your time from when you wake up to when you go to bed. Ideally, dial in to what you’re doing every 30 minutes.
Find the pockets of time where you either can’t recall what you did, or know that you wasted time on something that doesn’t get you closer to your goals.
Designate at least 5 minutes every day to do something that gets you closer to your goal. Put it on your calendar and make it part of your routine. For example, if you want to get back into exercise after going on a hiatus, start by doing 5 minutes of stretches every day. Your body will feel better and you’ll want to make time for exercise. If it’s eating healthier, take 5 minutes to cut up fresh veggies or fruits to snack on later. This can be just after a meal when you’re not hungry.
Don’t overthink it. Make the task simple enough that you can do it every day, and JUST DO IT without making excuses or over-analyzing.
Think progress over perfection. Build on your success, and realize that it’s a process that’s ever-changing and growing. There’s no end point. So after you reach your goal weight, or achieve your 50 pushups, or whatever the goal, decide what you’re going to do next, and start the process again.
Having lost 18 pounds in 2014, and having kept it off since then, I continue to challenge myself to new goals. If you need help setting or reaching goals, contact me and I will be your accountability partner.